Tuesday, June 18, 2019

unlike u...

maybe i don't wanna be like everyone else... it's possible this is jus the way i am... living on some other shit that actually makes sense... getting it in n feelin my way along the edges away from societies version of a so called man... so fuck being the same ol character played the fuck out... as i'm looked at differently due i choose to be me... bcuz i found a deeper passion with in that has become a friend... u ever think the bs placed in ur heads is nothing more than a dream... a forced way of thinking so everyone plays along... in all seriousness, why would i wanna take part.?. y'all don't like one another as it is... talking behind backs n pretending ur differences is not identical to hated spark... from racism to gays to genders to having ur own fuckin mind... trained to classify is the blinding tool u cannot see... seems everyone is hypocritically correct no matter their way of life... none of u can find the feel to set u free... as there are some that step to the side of the chaos looking to capture smiles... to direct us into a pattern to feed egos that have no individuality... ready to judge at any moment to make self feel so much better... as shallow as thoughts that refuse to dig in to humanity like u have some sort of immortality... or should i ask if it's ok to be me.?. with my own perspective of what life truly means n act accordingly... not partaking in ur silliness that has no end... as ur force simply can't understand how i'm enjoying me...

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