Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Healed in truths

Infected by lies. Consumed by the blind.
Reflections claim memories. Loose lipped enemies.
Achin emotions. On reversed ends.
Tradin in moments. Creased n folded.
Left in time. For truths had to hide.
Wronged for pleasure. Yet touched like a feather.
Selfishly twisted. N so fuckin insisted.
Games turned to loss. Reality shows flaws.
As ugly as the truth. An other had no use.
Walkin lips zipped. Landin arms lift.
Newly felt worth. Avoidin bein hurt.
Healed in truths. Facin purposes proof.
Head spinnin round. Hearin voices sound.
Tenderly real replacin theft. Endurin best?
Whisperin wtf is this? It's everything ever missed.
Off balanced to stable. N very able?
Ooh, here's the kicker. I'm in luv with her.
Mind crossin the possibility. Heart picked from its knees.
Pluckin thorns n kissin wounds. Evictin memories makin room.
Givin what's willin. Selfs calmly acceptin.
This could be it? What? Shut the fuck up!
Times changin coarse. My turn for a cure?
It's not time to live is it? Swappin real spit!
Kissin a face enjoyin me. On me one leans?
Patchin holes dug into the minds walls. Pause!

Damn! Let me stand back up as the man I truly am.

clarifyin the now

Doubled down pushin the ground abruptly away.
Upward in reverse, standin with knuckles scrapped.
Diggin the gravel from wounds beneath eyesight.
Clearin the minds thoughts decipherin what's mine.
Drippin red, the hearts bled enough for the cause.
Keepin to the script, calmin the nerves sensitive impulse.
Shakin off the dirt smeared in by the muds moisture.
Upright n facin the daybreak reachin for skins clawed texture.
Back to one, missin who it was I became that got lost.
Openin reality to the visual entertainment removin its draws.
Jus clarifyin the now makin strength earned n kept.
Never fragile, chips of stone r scars engraved as the mind slept.
Claimin stupidity, secrets r saved n hushed to be forgotten.
So self is never motionless layin to the endless waste, rotten.

Monday, April 28, 2014

a member of the heart

Fallin in, rollin n comin back up.
Gaspin for air after bein strangled by luv.
Comin from up n under a criplin touch.
Findin self is the only truth so blunt.
Moments pass n time fades.
Lookin for someone to wanna stay.
A hand do gentle that pulls me from within.
Someone who its actually a friend.
Feelin my name released from their lips.
With an appreciation for I'm what they've wished.
Taken in n treated as if a member of the heart.
As I have the key to their very own bars.
Unleashin what I release from honest emotion.
A luv lives without corruption.....

kisses press

In the softness felt thru contact, emotion exists.
Touched thru the skins layers, n upon the lips.
Pullin expressions n fillin the feelin of truth.
Openin trusts unguided will bein put to use.
Mouths shape happinesses comfortin teal time.
Claimin the emotions spent as a rare find.
Tender n pure kisses press the endless motion.
Glidin with the tickle of the tongues devotion.
To taste the honesty locked in that consumes.
Findin in the heart there's more than enough room.
Makin waves as saliva crashes on their surface.
Givin texture a feel to causes purpose....

a final goodbye

U changed on me.
I was never given a chance.
As if the season changed.
With the chill of winters dance.
Yet im good cuz u were never a friend.
No matter how patient I was.
Distance grew without reason.
But Im ok even thou I thought it was luv.
Its jus a final goodbye is all.
A moment of truth within self.
Regrouped n knowin I dont want u.
N its no longer sad the way ur not felt.
I remember how strong it consumed.
The expressions used were real.
All for the sake to show u a friend.
Yet its u I no longer feel.
U failed me on levels unmentionable.
N what youve become isnt who I thaught.
My reality woke up n broke my heart.
Once upon a time ago I gave u applause.
Followed by hands that washed away ur touch.
Somethin so weird happened over time.
U got lost within as I couldnt find u.
N the result is played out in this rhyme.
I for one stood ground for the better of u.
Never selfish n im happy without ur games.
This is a final goodbye never to write for u again.
Cuz I wasnt the one who fuckin changed.
Goodbye, for ive fallen for an other u shoulda been.
There was no room for me in ur heart so I gave.
No more b.s. that jus wouldn't end.
Jus me fixin what u broke n fillin luvs space.
Somethin u could never find a moment to do.
So if u ever realize how much u luv me.
Please don't ever let me hear u speak of it.
Ur chance expired of me tryin to fulfill my dreams.
I did what I knew how to do.
N I was there for someone who looked thru truth.
There is no luv left to give for an other gave self.
N unlike u she's earned her place n found in me use.
Jus a final goodbye to let be known an end that came to soon.
Yet I will never complain cuz I am wanted for once.
So do u n live that life style u needed so bad.
I belong to someone else under the moon n Sun.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Thanx for not bein a real friend.
Thanx for givin up before the end.
Thanx for always bein there.
Thanx for how truly u cared.
Thanx for fightin for oyr luv.
Thanx for feelin an other flush.
Thanx for wastin my fuckin time
Thanx for showin me u were never mine.
Thanx.......    I thought I had it.
But u were on some bullshit.
Thanx.......    Im in  better place.
Jus sad that its not ur face.
Thanx for pushin me away.
Thanx for takin fir granted what I gave
Thanx for the lessons u taught.
Thanx for leavin me standin in a pause.
Thanx for no matter whats lie.
Thanx for the memiries stopped in time.
Thanx for doin u the only way u know how.
Thanx for walkin away somehow.
Thanx.......    I got somethin in my life.
Jus had to make thru u as my wife.
Thanx.......    Im happy now that ur gone.
With tge understandin u were never the one.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

I was there....

I wasnt doin much, jus sittin there.
Life changed in the blink of an eye from outta nowhere.
I use to think it was the greatest thing ever.
Prolly shoulda jus kept to the script n said never.
From the way memories broke down I did become a better man.
Yet still, from get go I was taught a lesson in the way I stand.
From the beginning lemme tell ya, I was a gonner.
Thinkin back I wish I woulda stayed a loner.
Shit jus flipped n before I knew it, bam!
Now here I am now with a new stance.
As if a dream sorta speak if u know what I mean.
Yet, with a rearrangement where nothin was what it seemed.
Crushed, I felt a loss but according to the gain I felt I knew what it be.
Guess life jus dropped outta something that meant something only to me.
Shit was different back then when I had my nuts.
I got twisted putting someone before myself n got fucked.
Emotions went from living to madly in luv to frustration.
Playing out to standing alone after being there fir an others irritation.
Blinded I luvd unconditionally till the bitter end.
All to show thus I've in me had a real friend.
Y shit went sideways was due to a habit.
The wasn't any way I could ever had it.
Never mind so never mind to the thought of a lifetime playing out.
She's mixed fir an eternity even words can't express luv released from the mouth.
The heart failed to realize I to needed comfort in which I hadn't received.
Jus left looking up down upon my knees.
Standing along side an other I thought I knew they'd have my back.
Never turning on me so many times si was attacked.
Attached I craved the completion that wasn't fulfilled.
Somehow someone special lost passions thrill.
There may never be an other to have that purpose I felt.
But a long as I live I'll never want her hand my intentions won't need her help.
I remember the truths I gave that meant nothing to someone I stood for.
Opened up n showed the honesty in my untamed core.
Pure will to enjoy what's rare in this world I was there.
Jus goes to show when u open yourself to hidden secrets n feelings r barred.
Nothing will come from the heart that means a fucking thing.
Cuz selfish behavior claims the weak giving with a razored sting.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

loosened for the cure

Bun out till the end.
Never fadin n bent.
Ridin the horns with a grip.
Mingled in the mix.
From beginnin to the end.
Burn ready as a gent.
Speakin from firm lips.
Soft enough to kiss.
Without reason for the ko punch.
Givin more then so much.
In for the long haul.
I can't seem to stall.
Confident cuz I know me.
Loosened for the cure.
Wantin somethin pure.
Real to the final finish.
Games have been banished.
In the middle of yours truly.
Come live n jus be.

Monday, April 14, 2014

I hope u read this one day

Everyday I must learn to let go.
The ache n the pain I dont wanna hold.
Some how though its all thats left leakin from my heart.
U jus dint know how fuckin bad ive luvd u from the start.
N the truth is I miss u so much.
Its jus the way we use to lay madly in luv.
Nothin will ever have that kinda emotion.
No one will ever get that kinda devotion.
U were the the one I gave my all.
But now its round bout that time to move on.
Its the saddest thing  ive ever known.
Bein left with this void as my hearts on loan.
Healin cuz an other is more of a friend.
I jus thought it was us til the end.
Yet shit got bent n broken cyz u gave up.
I dont think u realize how bad I was crushed.
Its always been u in my dreams.
N to live without u has become a reality.
After walkin next to u I will never be the same.
Thinkin back when we narried n legally u had my name.
Guess I gotta learn it jus didn't mean the expressions u used.
Cuz right now im the one still wantin my truths.
Opened n willin no matter what.
Seems though u had to go n fall outta pure luv.
Its ok as long as ur happy with the life u choose.
My loss is the way loose on the way I lost u.
Yet I gave everything I could possibly give.
Jus to see if it was me to help ur smile live.
I think im suppose to say goodbye at this point.
In this moment of realization of luvn u is void.
So here I go as my last words die slippin out unheard.
AILOWY1! Its come to this for over is my turn.
Jus remember it was my fault n imma think bout u everyday.
This thingy within me will never fade n wanted u to stay.
I gotta go, u forced me to find our comfort in someone else.
So til we meet again, don't forget my touch will always need ur help.
.... ilu1! Is that what u wanna hear?
Nah, im done with a smile from ear to ear.
So don't think ur wanted in time.
U had ur chance to claim me as ur very own mine!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

movin on gettin

Saved by a moment that wasnt to late.
In the nick of time it came before the hate.
Walkin away was the best thing happenin.
N I thought a life without would be so saddenin.
Alive im standin with whats been earned.
Lessons of how to be self within characters turn.
Livin with the comfort of a new ways direction.
I never thought it be possible to make the correction.
Fuckin amazin is a feelin of self findin that ease.
Discribin smiles showin the movin on gettin on off the knees.
As real as understandin has givin reason claimin the now.
Im ridin out n steppin on softer more enjoyable grounds.

Friday, April 4, 2014

as if I was felt

Did u feel the loss of lisin me when u threw me away? Where did I ever fit into emotions when shit broke down furhter everyday. When u gave up as if I wasnt worth livin life with, how was I felt when the games were played? Was I missed when I wouldnt go away cuz I cared or was I a an irritation that wanted to stay? How is it u lost sight of me when it was me standin in the middle of luv fightin for ur hand to behave? Am I suppose ti believe u thought of me everyday as u accepted an other dude to replace me so easily as u strayed? How in the fuck can u say u have always luvd me when u did what u did n I was left facin life afraid. Diggin deep as u had ur fun cuz I was never good enough off rip n now im the way. Im not comprehendin nor understand how someone can purposely destroy somethin so pure n rare n then turn round n want it as if they deserve it after the pain. Please help me cuz im not feedin into bein hurt as I once was by how u claimed to luv in a way its always been me u yourself gave. When we both know the truths of y our hardship has happened n y its hard for me to believe the way u speak for idk if this luv can be saved. When was I truly felt when u decided from get go never to be real with me as if I was a lame? Cuz the saddest thing ever would be lettin go of how I feel for u cuz I have nothin real in over three yrs to go on n its u that changed ur face.