Monday, June 24, 2019


Please don't close ur eyes without me... whether its the end or jus to dream... I'm trying to find my way home... please don't lose hope... keep ur eyes opened jus in case u see me first... I'm coming as soon as I figure out in which direction u lurk... for next u is my comfort before all this is said n done... to be buried side by side for an eternity as one... please fight the sleep that pulls u in... resist the darkness n the way it changes u from within... I know I'm running behind but I'm goin as fast as I can... I'm jus lost in the middle of life as motionless I stand... waiting to witness ur face come near... falling into thin air without fear... having so much luv to share... to show u how much I truly care... please jus hold on to the thought of me... with a grip so intense it's me in ur mind that will never leave... unable to be replaced by a different feel pretending to cater to ur use... if u would, please, be patient until I get to u...

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