Tuesday, June 4, 2019

do u wanna.?.

do u wanna be the one who changes me.?. the reason i've waitied so long... saving the best i could ever give to u... is it me to remain as the untold tale of how luv sung it's song.?. do u wanna treasure a friendship that will never end.?. putting use to a good cause n breathe it's u n me... unloading the patience it took to find where we went... can i land safely as i come down from my dreams.?. do u wanna stay in the mood to have me as ur own.?. able to touch the ways in out around n thrugh that drives a mutha fucka insane... look me in the eyes n tell me what ur motion creates... truths are upon us transforming simultaneously framed...making memories to last as the reason to mingle... who is it i have become to ur curiosity's waiting on what.?. there's only one way to get to know comforts with me... do u wanna see for yourself the capability's of lusts added to luv.?. being my purpose to believe in who comes from within u reaching for my heart... laid up or out n about jus living life... is it i u seek to feel wanting my charm.?.

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