Sunday, June 23, 2019

lost without luv...

interest fades as quick as them not getting their way... when one jus doesn't feed into giving them what they want they disappear... ghosting intentions that jus move to soon... faces change as fast as the mind changes for someone else to give to over rated emotions... believing all men are incapable of feeling any fuckin thing... but fail to realize it's the last thing we wanna give due to friends are yet to be made... so it's on to the next one so called ready when they haven't reasoned with self in a mental aspect of fuck dreams... eyes watch them come along n reach in to depths wanting to be the next lesson faced in a new chapter... rushing the scene for the sensitivity of comfort with jus about anyone willing to smile n play along... refusing to admit luv is nothing without liking a mate worth a convo one can withstand day in day out... they demand to be felt n place the blame of relations not having what it takes with impatience that go wrong... losing what feel there was that built through a lil time spent... gone with a sweet goodbye claiming to be mature as frustration settles on their facial features... telling on their true intent to have things the way they desire or it's a fuck u then... n to witness it makes the thinking process unbearable bcuz of selfish gestures that are nothing more than lent... childish in it's own actions force decisions to pass on what could be if they'd jus wait it out... as it's not enough for they jus must fill the void to be luv'd or life jus ain't right... causing a retracting situation mentally simply not wanting to let anyone the fuck in... the blame game is unfair to true individuals n unseen in reflections by the enforcers of fairy tales that corrupt real sighs...

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