Monday, June 17, 2019

The good n the bed...

Letting go doesn't mean it never existed... n at times the tongue lies when it speaks of hoe it doesn't miss it... it's a offset of the memory that found joy in once upon a time ago... as thought remember the good with the bad that linger back what used to be considered home... as the release gathers self never to first of selfs doings as lessons find character... knowing were all au sine point until we gain wisdom some kinda amateur... so freeing the mind to recollect of life'so chapters is to remind the reflection of the humanity within... accepting where we've been as it's ok to rekindle the past so it's self that isn't running from emotions spread thin... to break is to live with what's made the turn of foul play... guilty we are in our own careful not to reignite flames that burnt the thought process into a sizzling game... learning of the do'so n don'ts the resurface in new relations over n over again... creating tension due to one cannot allow easy hag been to become that factor to enjoy a better way as who self is isn't band...

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