Saturday, June 15, 2019

do we fit.?.

bring ur mind n open it up... there ain't no time to waste if ur wanting to dig into my luv... bcuz it's ur mindset i'm looking to invade... jus to witness use come from a conversation worth the cave... no bullshitting n no goin turning back with failure in hand... i know who i am as i give no fucks about what society considers a man... i'm more interested in the individual beneath the smile u fling into expression to catch my attention... as i tell u emotions ain't a consideration if ur depths are as shallow as ur thought process eluding words u fail to mention... as the gender role playing u can leave at the door n can pick it up on ur way out if we ain't for one another... real is what it is when tongues flip to realize who's who face to face if we're to become luv'rs... n i ain't playing with my heart to feel u to resist me before friends are even established... as a laugh either way can be a gesture jus to know worth as adults being honest... fading on me after more than a moment to get to know u isn't a temptation that interests my best that's yet to come...  i'm on my way home as soon as i find it so i don't know how ur thoughts gather relations willing to find trust... i ain't in to taring down the inner makings to soften the feel of a friendship that could be as pure as the life we live... u jus gotta figure out what who u reflection is prior to reaching for me like u have something to give... we can fuck, we can touch, we can communicate, we can sit across the room n never feel the contact it's on u... but passion i'mma hold out on until i witness the one person i know has me in mind living loose... like a piano felt by fingers to find the notes to react to a certain song... have a seat so we can play together to create a sound so soothing the vibe allows us to believe side by side is where we belong... u have a choice to come in the way you'd want me to participate in such a thrill... but ur gonna havta accept shit can't switch up mid step likeu  lost momentum half way up the hill... words don't flow quite like the movement through time that can tell how deep u truly are... jus to let u know if we cross over there'd be no reason to ever fuckin part...

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