Thursday, June 20, 2019

game on...

let's play a lil game we can both win at... talk some real shit in the due process n spit the facts... it'll be as fun as long as ur truths gives us a chance... that way when we're grinding the feeling becomes so much more enhanced... it's easy to go with the flow if ur actually about what u say... actions upon lips to be proven is the factor to a successful flame... lit to start the hearts candle like a whick burning at both ends... shit, if it's to be we will wind up as best fuckin friends... all bcuz we chose to partake in a night to collaborate... by staring each other straight in the eyes without the lies believing in mates... fated to get lost behind closed doors with a bit of skin on skin to see if we can coexist... to open up the valve of luv stuck on idle's wits... we can find reasons to invest in the digging of the beating chest... as we spin turns to speak on terms n conditions that define why we don't jus wanna be guests... with a moment to correspond on out past for a better understanding of how we came about... jus to lay it to rest to get to what no one else could ever release form the mouth... involved to evolve away from provoked complication together for life...that is if u have the curiosity it takes to gain  someone who ain't never gonna fuck with ur mind... giving u the deepest intent through desires touching dreams of all the things so imperfectly perfect aimed at u.... take a turn n gimme what u have sent into my direction jus to see how i react to use... loosen up ur creativity n come on in to a different sense of time spent... roll the dice once more on me n m tongue will not fling accents... we can laugh n get along as it doesn't matter who finishes first.... as long as it's u n i twisting up life getting at  a piece of raw rare worth... n we can make our own rules as we go if it makes u feel better of the outcome of the mornings awakening... dabbling into a new fix mixed with pleasures finest felt with passion's enlightening...

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