Sunday, June 23, 2019

getting along...

so what if i couldn't let go.?. is there a chance the feeling would be a mutual flow.?. for once having more than words to be said... past the walls that collect the sounds created from within the motion upon the bed... deeper than likes that draw a curiosity worth a smile... lingering in the heart touching the minds thoughts to stay a while... n what if the completion of who i am looked u straight in the fuckin eyes.?. waiting on a decision to live beyond the flirtations that move lips to taste the feel of sighs... as passion escapes from the most sacred place not jus anyone is allowed to see... gathering the pieces laid about to show self in true form enjoying the way u think... if i got attached to wanting u in my life...becoming friends on levels of guarantees were place on the comfort of pillows as whispers talk u through every night... unable to bypass u in the way u jus do u that drives me to evolve... with truths on the tongue to get wrapped up closer than use could ever possibly be so raw... looking forward to time in the middle of memories made that are meant to be kept... what would come of the interest if it was real with a splash of catering in an act jus needing it to be me u accept...

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