Thursday, June 20, 2019

don't touch me...

u can't dig deeper than the pain is allowed... so swim in the shallows n play with my flesh until i'm aroused... the silliness of childish behaviors are unwanted to say the least... unless ur jus goofing off as that shit can tame the beast... u can keep all the over emotionalized crusades to ur lonesome n i won't mind... my depths are a lil to mature to continue through life like i haven't learned how to become defined... i'm in no need of the thoughts u possess in ur attempt to capture who it is i am... if i'm to change it's for the better of my time to be enjoyed... real isn't something that's said for other to listen to over n over again as u attempt to swindle the lack of actions gone void... scars are jus battle wounds to heal that u cannot touch... they're on the inside safe from ur fingers jus wanting to pick a scab... that shits for the birds so fly away with a couple of gestures for i'm not the on to go under attack... that hate blame bs only turns passion inside out...n i don't find humor in wasting my time to cater to ur eagerness to transform me into someone goin bout for bout... i have no fight in me for the unnecessary acts that create fear... as foes come from friendships said to be the on thing u want to hold near... happiness doesn't exist in ur mindset running around dealing chaos jus bcuz ur a bitter lil nitwit... jus leave me be to live for ur kind is a nuisance within ur chaos driven grip... don't touch me... i don't need u affecting the way i breathe... ur no more than an infection sinking into worth... taring what u can apart before ur gone without a single word... thinking ur some sorta prize when ur a phony pretending to give a fuck... i do not like u n u know nothing of luv...

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