Saturday, June 29, 2019

accepting changes...

i've felt words slung on the switch  of use... changing tones once luv was no longer amused... taking one rib at a time until my smile was gone... learning of the misery tongues can sing along with songs... stood in mirrors with the mystery of relations coming into focus... shaking off the dwelling of feeling hopeless... i've known strangers that resembled who i was supposed to have trusted... opened up to believe i wouldn't lose me to emotions lusted... fell in hands that were thought to have catch my heart... n wound up left for dead as if orchestrated like a work of art... i've followed the design in eyes seen as a crypt... hiding truths untold that snipped like a whip... sacrificed time n patience to sit alone in comfort... when another was supposed to fill the void as the ultimate luv'r... had jealousy thrown in my direction to alter the friends in my life... jus to shut down not able to be one themselves after the hype... i've bared depths to miss who did not care to carry me in their memories...feared self's choices to make rational decisions due to character instabilities... made promises meant that i wasn't able to keep... smiled n frowned at the same time while wondering how cliche self looks of the need to flee... i've forgotten the highs at the bottom n turn on the up when down... gave into the merry go as around became an adjustment unbound... hurt from both ends without betraying use first... felt better after drifting emotionally feeling the worst... lived in a different state of mind jus to realize it changes every five to ten... n enjoyed attachments that came n went...

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