Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Ungrateful bitch...

I nawed through the rope you attempted to hang me from.
 Through that hole in my neck falling further from home.

 That gaping chatterbox that you couldn't understand was right.
 I shoulda listened to it ramble and I woulda avoided this fight.
 Struggling to find my way back to the norms scar you left.
 I bled my heart out through the slit at my own personal best.
 Yet you couldn't hear me evaporating with the tears that flowed.
 Disintegrating as if my ashes wasn't worth the keep in the winds blow.
 Poof, gone by the time I hit the ground so fucking hard.
 You hung me up by the threads of our luv, was your so called part.
 Legs spinning as if the road runner torchering me as I the coyote.
 With a smile to strangulate a lifetime to it's end in humility.
 Dripping long enough to squeeze the passion from me eyes.
 Your noose failed to do me in even though I did cry.
 Keeping my head from the decapitation by means of your own selfish motives.
As my hands clinched into frustrated fists so fucking pist.
 You shoulda burnt me at the stake like a two bit witch.
 To show your true colors of your chard heart within an ungrateful bitch.
 Just to see me lose the life within me I hope the show you enjoyed.
 Cuz I picked the scabs draining the rest of you that I just couldn't avoid.
 But for the luv you gave, your attempt was just as half azz.
 As I recall what I thought shoulda killed me I buried in the past.
 Right beneath the exact co ordinance you tied my off.
 Where that thing you call a memory was actually fucking lost.
 I chewed my way through to survive just above a rested piece of shit.
 R.i.p. To everything I know about you I never released from my lips.
 Your as deep as these words that's surfaced making you shallow as fuck.
 But hell, it's cool. I'll give you one of the things I don't believe in. Good luck!!!
As these are the last roses given to you undeserving with deliberance.
 Black, hanged & left for dead to your undeniable preference.

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