Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Padded without comfort.....

Is it really what it seems?
Or is the mind turnin on what's told to be the truths of reality?
Secret lives cause hidden thoughts.
Hiding beyond passwords never to be caught.
Does lips speak the way they must?
Or is the must looking out for self in the middle of luv?
How to take the echoes end trapped in the minds padded cell.
When witness to actions that u jus can't tell.
Cuz the stare is more like a look in selfs direction changed.
Kinda like something else had caught the eye within exchange.
Within a lifestyle runnin down what tickles them soft.
Meanwhile back at home the other is feeling lost.
Wondering what's goin on as desires touch isn't the same.
Fading n short of being the want of crawling up n under the skins gain.
Is it they jus wantcha to believe in words unheard?
As if something's off hearing what's suppose to reinsure.
Is it lies that can't be trusted or the truths that aren't believed?
Where's the honesty proved in real talks relief?
As who's doin what to whom when confusion settles into the situation?
Sittin alone as the walls r closing in on the emotions expectations.
Fighting a battle that doesn't have be fought.
Is the sacrifice worth losing passion sold to be bought?
In a twist, is what matters truly put into play?
Or is it another one of their selfish games?
Doin what they do hoping u don't wake up.
Back to realities realization of what the fuck!
When the way they feel u, is it the same as if ur feeling them?
Or is it empty receiving what they give like the act is suppose to mean something to em?
Who's world r they living in behind their eyes?
Can u tell if ur actually enjoyed or r u going blind?
Can u tell the difference once luv trickles into ur heart announced.
Or is this jus the minds way of dealing with the corruption they allow?
If u sat long enough n thought bout what it is u really see.
Would u think clearly or want it all to drift into a dream?
Cuz perhaps what lays beneath the code on their phone says it all.
Or maybe, jus maybe, ur crazier than u look deep within ur own flaws.
Padded for safety first that overshadows the textin of thought goin south.
Yet again, no one knows a damn thing other than the word of mouth.
Is there the mornin glory of comforts snug?
Close as words speak of the ongoing crush.
Or is the waking moments a lonely place.
Left solo with the lack of laying in space.

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