Saturday, July 29, 2017

It's ok to kiss her azz here n there even if ur wrong... It'll only show her ur bigger than the situation n what the time spent between y'all means as wantin her in what's left of a lifetime together... That is if ur on that level... If u can man up... If u can admit it doesn't matter who's wrong bcuz we're all human n we fuck up... There's a truth about the facts one can learn from if they're willin to grow as an individual instead of a selfish prick always lookin after self feelin good about themselves with materialitics... The only true thing that matters to a woman is for her to know ur her friend no matter what... n your tryin to do right by her at the same time bein yourself... If she can see through u it's a good thing in a sense of she knows there's nothing to question n bad by no depths... Knowin in which way she looks at u is determined by the truth in ur constant actions that makes everything about her a priority in ur life... Even if it means u gotta bend a lil more to keep a mature playing feild it's no ones business but urs n hers... N even with speakin on opposing genders it applies no matter who u luv... Be an adult n man up... There's more to life than always thinkin about yourself bcuz if she's as real as the way u come at her, u ain't got shit to worry about... Check it... Next time y'all have a difference of opinions, jus look at her n tell her ilu... N do it to tell her it doesn't matter bcuz we all have improvements to do... Straight or gay or one of the various shades we come in... We have differences that speak upon who we are... N to relate with luv... Priceless!!!

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