Tuesday, July 18, 2017


 If in hand was the instruction manual to luv'n me.
 Would u cheat ur way through to my hearts lonely stream?
 Crawlin within me on a short cut one step ahead.
 Repairin me as i fell apart at times so u get my best.
 Do u think you'd control the movements of my will through manipulation?
 Leadin me on, down ur selfish desires endless corruption.
 If u had in hand, the book that guided me to ur lips.
 Would u use the pointers the auther has given against this?
 Possibly attempt to rewrite the book to go as planned, ur way.
 Commitin me to an imprisonment before i had a chance to obey.
 In ur homes maze with a checklist playin the part.
 Without a pen to help myself to the door lost so far in luv's disregard.
 Takin the purist temptation n chainin it to ur core.
 Or would u allow me to prove to u, for u, what i have in store?

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