Tuesday, February 12, 2019

To live again...

Shaking off the cling attached to the cushion of a lifetime faced with what generates from healed scars... At the tail end of a tale that no longer exists past the feel of gone removed from the emptied untamed heart...
Having no one but self to break free from time tends to drift past to reckoning of emotions rarely missed... Into a safe zone where pain is only felt through the loneliness that contradicts the releasing of two clinched fists...
Things change as life moves on towards a more sound description that doesn't seem to sound like self... For the ends of relations finally correct the tenderness once one is able to admit being alone does not help...
There's a timeline in which truth shelters passion from the flame long enough to individualize the understanding of facts... Jus to transform who one once was into a worth more likely to correspond with others so friendships can last...
At the edge where the plunge allows the numb to fade is the moment the bubble has been popped... Bringing on a new purpose to find someone on the same level of expectancy's that can never be stopped...
Leaving their world of solitude jus the way self intertwines with a fresh sense of hope created by patience to become... Simply walking away from the choice to sit in a lonely room until the day comes to have a need for luv...
Washing self clean of the fingerprints that stained the skin back when the stranger was indeed self so utterly lost... As nothing prior to thought makes a difference to the now of motion taken to enjoy a lil bit of what's been paused...