Saturday, February 2, 2019

why would i.?.

i'm grown n i handle my shit... why would i let anyone jus run free.?. betta put in or i'm doin it on my own... with two birds as friends will no exceed... flat out, it's as real as it gets... as if there's need in no sexual damnation's that feel for ordinarily intense to the touch landin on realities... risen from the collision... with a lil mmm to grr as life is the topic on the mind... the way i see it is, do u even like me.?. face it, if it were like that we'd already be locked up... how is it ur mind has taken to life.?. mature with a sense of twisted humor as self is allowed to be seen n accepted as is... i don't wanna hide behind lies lost to the line of sight... it's not for me unless depths like the feel of the swim... stacking bank n movin in a more comfortable fashion with a kiss ... i got me n i'm all on my own... doin it like it ain't shit... showin self the heart is the flaw... havin a mental stability to cherish a true friendship to be made... as i ain't rushin a fuckin thing... mean what u say b say what u mean when we come face to face... do we get along.?.  point blank.!. n is the gate open for me to be identified as me.?. do u want the flame or the fame that blames the features for showin interest in games.?. or wait, pure emotion never lasts, right.?. i did me n got further than plucked fingers worrying about others along the way... living my life the way i see my means to fit my surroundings... i am free, so why would i pause if we jus ain't the same.?.

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