Monday, February 18, 2019

so i'm never homeless again...

where is home if we were ever to unite.?. i've lost everything including the shelter that opened my mind... there's no worse feeling than not having a place to go... so think of me as u wish bcuz i refuse to give what i have built on my own... so where will we end up if we get as far as not wanting to go without.?. there's considerations to the advancement of relations that need to be found... i don't wanna wind up having to rebuild again bcuz u couldn't figure out a way to know what u want before we got goin.. moving in is a tender zone n it's gonna take more than comfort to join forces to what we're doin... you'd understand that better if u had to wonder within stares lookin at the stars sitting in ur car... with the emptiness running down ur face bcuz a friend let u go all in n failed to mean what was felt in the heart... the pain of a loss is different when there's nothing but clothes to move on... financially wrecked as life loses it's feel to smile as emotion is fully torn.. ripped from the foundation built to gain an enemy og all things jus giving ur best... so where are we headed if we choose to invest.?. the playing field switches once boundaries are crossed... so how are u gonna respond to me being ok with living on my own until i believe home is not a loss... to relocate into someone else's world to live as a guest is not my thing... i had nothing n put in the work so i'm never homeless again as long as i am able to breathe... think if u will from my angle n add some shit up... bcuz there's more to interest than the fact that we can fall in luv... it wears off unless we're the fortunate ones to be willing to hold on... as even that has an expiration if what's lost is the friendship to be returned to a stranger status jus after another of war...

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