Monday, February 11, 2019

the gathering

the trick is to go back n feel who u were before the chaos took place
so the features of the face can realize who is to come of the expressions upon the face
as a whole so self never fails to realize it's okay to admit human intent
having a depth in which belongs to come from within
one hasta return to a time prior to the change that conflicts with emotions in the mind
to transform the energy from the life felt to the resurrection of becoming redefined
as the same with a better know how so self can react more sensibly
allowing the follow through remind the mirrors image who's living happily
lose the now n dabble into memories that resemble who we once were is the key
to reclaim worth is to let go of what luv has created in a monster set free
emptying the tank n walking away with the down time left in drive
to earn the desire of what the one within wants while still alive
reverse the thoughts n go all the way into the past forgotten
it's well deserving when it's felt once again as we never truly forget we're not rotten
coming into a new version of smiles so the waste of time shortens the distance of getting attached
jus by flushing the pipes n returning to ones best friend unmatched

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