Sunday, February 24, 2019

unable to have my life...

the life i wanted is not mine to have...
as others enjoy the thrills n it drives me mad...
putting so much into relations n having nothing to gain...
there's jus an empty bed missing the comfort of luv's fame..
i notice eyes trying to catch a stare but i cannot feel a connect...
for it's a lifestyle i await that some obtain that my patience is blessed...
i witness the will to be a part of someone else's life so easily but it's never mine..
i sit in silence n have damn near given up on the thought on the reasons of why...
losing the crave i once possessed to cater to the emotion felt to give...
taking a gander at the true worth in couples able to as friends live...
in their happy place that resembles what it is i thought i be a part of...
yet the feel isn't nowhere in the room as not one face remains to prove spoken trusts...
never to go without the comfort that resides in the depths lingering through touch...
as the skin has forgotten how what it's like to have fingertips loosen the nerves clutch...
releasing the fire to light up the replication to the hearts calling...
there's even so many who throw away a good one as if it's their life pausing...
when there's people like me who cannot find a sigh to last long enough to create memories...
jus to look into the past n reflect on what ifs that never satisfy positivities...
thinking what makes everyone else so fucking special to capture an others intent...
laying at night with a bit of confusion to awakens the mind for a all nighter spent...
wondering where my luv could be...
n what would they say if they knew i was free.?.

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