Sunday, February 3, 2019

contributions to relations...

what is it u have to contribute to relations talking like u have what it takes.?.
do u like the way words taste or do u feel the need to remind yourself that ur more than a pretty face.?.
there's a difference of men n the boys u allow to rip u apart...
yet if u knew this you'd be content on more than a visual speaking down on the male gender so harsh...
show me what ur working with as the silence fills the room n maybe i'll give in to interests...
u know, those lil twinkles that appear in ur eyes as stares attempt not to be seen someone to invest...
don't play games if u ain't about some real shit running around wanting to be a character as u hide...
that fake azz shit can't withstand even ur ex u claim is such a fucking douche knowing it takes two to tango...
if ur on it be jus that n face life at in without the constant blabbering of what a man for we are not hero's...
u say there's more to u jus like every other female who's supposed to be so good at the connection available...
yet most act out n don't know how to participate without the over emotional assuming trying to change our so called disabilities...
bills ain't shit to an individual as u look for this silhouette stuck in to memories of what luv is supposed to be...
or are u actually one of the few that can get down n jus be who u are outside of fairy tales n dreams.?.
able to admit we're all human so time isn't so drawn out waiting on the end due to we cannot be who u want us to become...
it's like, are u sensible to the facts that it's no a sex that creates the tension but the mindset of immaturity's on the run...
honestly my life will not pause on some ol random shit for i've accepted worse n have witnessed pussy first hand...
so if that's ur angle i'd be more than willing to show u that urs isn't the only one that wants a take ur place as a fan...
i'm looking at u the same way u see me for an even playing field for once if u can relate.?.
wanting to do more than believe u have something to offer to someone other than ur own personal interests causing the pain...
jus bcuz i have a cock doesn't mean imma use it to get sucked in to ur way of life...
that shits for the birds n there ain't no way i'll allow my smile to feel the emptiness ur so used to in ur mind...
for you've never seen anything other than the drain on desires falling through passion as it never even reached to be saved...
oh yeah, there's something about every one of us who hides behind closed doors on our own...
so lie to me if u feel the need to gather a friend that'll turn on u once the truths find u to be pretending to be grown...
living with a fascination of expectation u yourself doesn't have to live up to...
pointing fingers n blaming the one u haven't as of yet let go of as of yet ignorant as the fool...
talking a good game heard from so many lips bouncing to the identical vibe losing depths...
what is it u want from self to be able to give that's worth a fuck so my own image of dames can rest.?.
is it u truly got the raw end of the stick as it fucked u in both a literal n figurative sense.?.
or are u jus needing yourself to seem to look a lil more than what u are jus fucking around in others chests.?.
the good doesn't havta hurt...
as the willing in true form refuses to adapt to such lusts...
rare is a thing that happens behind the lines where stranger realize who's for real n who's about themselves on the move...
having this image mastered so men will cater to the drought thinking they could be the one to own u like ur last never intended to do...
let it be known of ur cut as it's either on the utilities or slitting another wound to scar as a reminder of what girls tend to abuse...
u cannot get to me on some ol off the wall bullshit telling everyone u gave ur all as u sit in solitude unchanged...
as if there wasn't even an itty bitty piece of u that helped the separation take place as he ran away unscathed...
reason with me n dig for a moment n speak only of the one u have within that has something to give...
all the other nonsense is for children as u here n now are to enter my life n do the one thing neither of us has ever been able to do n that's live...
for once, what do u have that wound interest me.?.
who os it u are that can possibly tickle my fancy to open up n make u a part of my reality.?.
show yourself before i do the same shit u do n avoid the chance that could've been...
can u maintain across the board where i can seriously enjoy the tickle u give to my ribs.?.

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