Wednesday, February 13, 2019

know me before u fall in...

there's pieces of me that jus want to be left alone... i jus have no use in relations that invade who self is too soon... as no one wants a friend before the reach strangles who it is i've become... there's jus sensitivities that do not come free when others feel the need to open up tn let loose... i don't have it in me to keep falling in n outta luv when it's a like of a real friend i seek... long before even using emotions on the build up of not being able to hold it all in...i'm prolly a lil more advanced fo rmy own good as i'm told i'm too specific... but it's my heart not theirs that wants something that doesn't eventually hurt covered with empty grins... so i hold out n remain in solitude waiting on a face that gives reason to hope for once... i jus cannot accept someone else turning away when i keep it as real as two must come to terms of what feelings are n can do... it's a peace within i find comfort in as the mind directs what is to be... never to sit behind enemy lines where patience runs from the fake expressions rolling through all the motions so desperate to call a truce... i don't wanna come to havta say goodbye as a face will dig into my mind the way another has already done... it takes to long to heal to try n figure out if someone new is on the same page... as the repeat of failures come n go is not an interest of mine... i'd rather not be felt if who i am isn't taken into consideration to relate to beyond the feel of passion that can get away from the blame... for there's no way to turn down the voice that'll linger in the middle of the night... so leave my details to time to witness if it's me u feel u cannot live without... i'm not into having a luv'r unless conditions are short lived... there;s a deeper sensation i wish to experience if u have it in u to enjoy the way names are pronounced... i jus can't feel anything in the dark if the light upstairs is willing to show me ur real depths... displayed upon the surface of ur features as a true friend would want the best for me... in all seriousness why would i give into someone i'll eventually not get along with.?. the sense isn't something i even wanna attempt to affiliate myself with if there is nothing more than the gimme now or set me free...

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