I keep getting sucked back into my mind bcuz I have nothing else better to do... Going over everything all over again as if there's no hope in calling on a truce.... Thoughts run n sleep is merely a dream I cannot get to... As nights await my frustration to drift beyond the depths n fade into a comatose room... N I feel everything all over again as I have no one to take me away from myself... Me gravity I'm pulled in reverse jus wanting refuse what it is that's felt... Lost is a feeling of loneliness matter the tongue that lies of such fronts that do not help... As the one in me wonders of better times to come that haven't gotten here to their whelps... it's safe but it hurts to fall inward bcuz people cannot be trusted with thy heart... so it's a mindset instead of emotion to rely on jus playing it smart... knowing luv doesn't exist without licking to individual sitting on the edge of the bed throwing away the cards... sleeping alone as the roll over finds emptiness in the hollow art...
got me in my feelings
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