how much different are u.?. where do u stand on ur own lookin back at this world.?. bcuz i'm a lil out there n don't mind jus gettin it in the way i do... so, how's is it in which ur head twirls... have u broken away from the same ol bs that has everyone actin the like their so different.?. whether it be gender race or any other common issue that only exists if u allow it to be who u are... where do u fit into who u are unaffected by the influences that tend to wanna as self reinvent.?. i wanna know bcuz it determines the effect of the temptation of my own heart... i don't do those social nor society attachments of twisted feelings leachin on emotions... are u free.?. allowin yourself to live n let shit be exactly what the fuck it is as there's a simplicit kinda devotion... one in which has found ya groove n u jus do what u do livin in the day where we come together as friends first so there's more than a sense of feelin complete... pretendin isn't my thing as i roll with the mornings that come for another chance to get up n at it... mentally i jus luv to be... figurin a way to enjoy as it comes as natural as an attitude that brings out the best of sidesteppin to bs... lookin from my own angle waitin on someone who can't help but to be an individual at one with the way they breathe... how much do u appreciate what it is u have away from the materials that ruin people lives.?. able to relate beyond the falsifications of a superficial life... in which way do u consider free to be as life goes on.?. u see, i ain't like anyone you've ever met so do u havta live through someone or can u sleep at night, depopulating thoughts in an unpeopled mind ... on somethin everyone claims as some real shit lettin loose with the way i'm goin... can we jus be similar without all the two who can neva truly be as one.?. what's the treasure u seek that tends to elude ur grasp.?. holdin on to what u say u luv... do u know there is no such thing as a perfect match.?.
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