Sunday, February 25, 2018

Entry 3306

I know the type... N I know one jus that way... I've met her before... I remembered her name... She's someone who got away... Only if i were her taste...  But I know the kind... N to me they could neva go to waste... As hands are not allowed to touch... As it seems I ain't their flava n such...  But I know what I crave... N with jus one of them I'd fall in luv... One imparticular I'd go all out... Yet it's not like that... For friends tend to matter more... even though my tone sounds beautiful with her if 
I were to state the facts... But I'm not in her heart... N I haven't spoken with the tongue of untold truths... Some things jus aren't up for discussion... No matter in how many ways u could put them to use...

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