Wednesday, February 14, 2018

the vibe...

i felt me break standing in the garage in which i lived as since then i jus haven't been the same... the snap corrected my train of thought that recaptured my hearts calling... finding my name on a set of lips that rambled over what they could never have... somewhat heartless, but for my own good i had this ora come over me in the middle of stalling... the crack that released the my own worth so i could see it as plain as day opened in a crazy way... there i stood with my head half cocked smiling as it felt oh so fucking good to remain... to come from within as an untouchable back to who it was i once was... someone that never seen the meaning of self righteous luv... my coocoo clock ticked at the strike of i jus don't give a fuck... n ever since the correction of self defined the feel of the usefulness of a woman's touch... i went a that away late one night while i paced to bitch don't kill my vibe... as for some reason i woke up chuckling in a mindset all my own wanting to get back at life... with one rule as to never let anyone else in so deep for i don't ever again wanna lose me... n i don't have an issue as to jus getting up to leave... due to i cracked my head on a lesson well learned... i gained ,my worth as i went unheard... bumping my headphones as the only therapeutic relief i will ever need... i got back to being me...

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