Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I'll wait for the sex.

Is there a way to talk about anything but sex? I know we're going without being single n all but I'd like to know how far lips can stretch. Shaping a convo worth the time of having someone to chat with. We can come around to digging in to pants as vulgar tones whip the mood into form with the flexing of a kiss. Once we concur the leveling of true wits. I jus wanna witness who this is. Thing is, who is it before me. I'd like to see u in true form so I can piece together a strategy. One in which comes from within the moments jus after we fuck n cum n get to taking care of the drought that's affected our state of mind. Where in the fuck are u at mentally in life? Jus to throw it out there, so I know I ain't wasting my time. Before we let our emotions fly. I'm all I have to watch my back until my other half appears from outta nowhere. As in our eyes we're the perfect pair. Can u reason to relations in which we carry with interest looking like animals going in? It's okay to speak on what it is your looking for in a friend. I luv sex as much as I luv to like someone who isn't afraid to live n let live. Are u able to open up n speak words more than meant from the movement of your jibs? Lemme hear u chatter for a while as I listen to how u ramble on. Reaching for me without the physical contact so I know without a doubt in which way your going. My interest in u depends on who u truly are. I gotta know u prior to your attempt to steal my heart.

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