Am I delusional to believe if I were to open the flood gates you'd be able to maintain.?. Collecting your emotions by a train of thought that sets you apart for someone like me to enjoy the gain... Because the image in my mind of you and I is beyond breath taking... That is if u are capable of witnessing a different kind of man who isn't for all the excess fuckery... Chucking bad habits is past tense as we chuckle to the vibes breaking loose from the ribs joining sovereignty... There's a level of certainty that simply doesn't have shit to do but wait on the feel of I don't want to do without... As words are best heard with the clarity of sound whispered as close as lips can direct the mouth... So am I going to find what it is u claim to fucking be or is time another waste unable to be keep in the heart.?. U see, someone like me is just looking for a fresh start... Where thy head rests easy for a piece of mind crawling with kisses late at night... Are u a friend that has found who matters the most behind closed doors as your reflection walks with you in your mind.?. On some deep shit coming to the surface to live and get with it... Into me, are you willing to trip.?. Finding a man with no past worth the walk it took to leave where it lays... Thing is, I just need to know your name.!.
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