Saturday, May 12, 2018

bcuz u matter...

tell me what it is that floats through ur mind... those thoughts that tend to ignoring the fine print of lines... wouldn't u like to be heard for once in ur life.?. or could u seriously remain as a mute until the end of time... how is it ur tongue feels imprisoned without a tone.?. when u can speak freely instead of those silent moans... let yourself come from within so u in my eyes are known... closed mouths only mumble under breaths that lose worth of becoming alone... forcing self in to solitude due to ur unhappiness afraid to trust... with me u have no reason to bury yourself beneath the terms of luv... free is more attractive as it is u i wanna know exists as we touch... open up n allow ur lips to babble a bit so u know emotions have found the comfort of flush... there's no sense in caving inward to fight what once was that is no longer in ur way... throw me some use n watch me listen to what u say... as u to have a voice that needs an ear as ur tone enters as if a gate... taken into consideration as ur expressions no matter the mood are remembered upon ur very own face... i'm nothing like what you've had somewhere else on ur way here... with me there's this lil thing i enjoy doing as i live without fear... live n show who it is u are n see if it's me that cares when ur near... i'll even sit still n help dry ur lonely tears...

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