Saturday, June 24, 2017

Watchin em come to realize livin in their safe zone won't give em anything interestin to talk about when it's all said n done... As ears listen to em speak from around the edge of corners of how their lame azzez couldn't chance the choices made from this side unwillin to go numb... Careless is their version of what they are afraid of as it's routine routine routine til life has managed em the boredom that captures theirs freedoms to live... All the while poking fun with smirks n words aimed in a cast as far away as they can keep someone like myself who jus doesn't fit... Rules do not apply in a happy state of mind that kicks in the locked doors to allow the hidden intent of secrets out to play games that make conversation contagious no matter who tastes it... As they peep me bcuz they ain't got a fuckin thing to talk about due to the lack of willingness to be themselves n shit... I'mma do me n no I ain't got the materials they do in this superficial world as I'm to busy enjoy a more simple way to be... Considered to be at the bottom not caring what they believe as they look down on me so deprived in their eyes for it's too fuckin funny to pass on the opportunity to check em on the note of who it is that's actually free...

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