Saturday, June 24, 2017

Abused n betrayed.
Laid out on more complex display.
Sittin in ur hands.
Opened up jus bcuz it can.
Do something with it.
Let no words fall short of ur lips.
N show it its OK to express the feelings of a man.
It jus wants to live again.
To hear that tone of comfort call it's name.
Jus don't let it luv u n u walk away.
Standin with purpose in ur presence.
Knowin u could be her with no resistance.
Who's knows.
Until the mind unfolds.
Bendin creases on pages for the memories favouritism.
To relive the joy once shattered by individualism.
Layin before is the callin of interest in its own.
Take the bait or wait on that chillin feel of where is home.
Dazed with a confused look upon ur face.
For its different in it delivery laughin in the rain.
Unfazed by the resistance u push with a go.
For u to know it is all there is to know.
Placed in that space all ur own within ur thoughts.
One line seed in plain sight to come alive with u in the middle of a pause.
Dab nabbit, dead center in the line of sight.
Briefly suggestin the curiosity on its mind.
Naked n exposed.
Wantin to be seen as it is in which the way it stands.
A real fuckin man.
Without restraints that bind unless ur willing to play.
The pleasure fiddlin at fingertips jus to touch ur face.
Creates a vibe bouncin in its life.
Findin meanin n reason to its long longed claim of mine.
Twisted n forgotten it's found its way.
As simultaneously decisions will allow it to stay...

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