Saturday, June 24, 2017

Free me!!!

Reaching for life. Remembering quiet lil sighs. Attempting to come back. Exhaling the grasp of gasps. Lost in the deep for so long. Here is where I do not belong. Climbing from this terrifying place. Trapped within its constant embrace. Walls crumble to the touch. Lost without luv. The slip slides in retreat. At last we meet. Constantly on the rise. Hi. Needing a root to grasp. Impossible task. Sunkin in the muddy pit. This is where I live. Sinking with every step. Empty chest. Losing balance is the teeter of the mind. Doing time. In the down of the hole. Slow. Rain fills the float. Losing the most. Waiting on that moment of tears to give a lift. Bitterly pist. High tide remove the inclosing walls. End my crawl. Let the surface claim waterlogged soles. As my heart unfolds. Digging in to the apathy of a fool. Who knew? Time is willing for a change. For I am the exchange. Restless to witness the green fields. Tell me, what's the deal? Life is at the top. Connecting the dots. From the under of going numb. I am the one. Leaping into the sun's chase of the moon. Soon. Sitting here in the reality of a careless mind. Coming back to life. As ready as feeling lifeless has come n gone. Words express songs. Six feet plus below whispers talking to backs. Nails attached. Wanting to bury the sorrow once n for all. Raw! Standing solo. Finding mojo. Lost n unafraid of reason. Shifting with seasons. Begging, for there's one reinvented that understands. Alive I am. Reimburse the worth lingering within. Gimme my friend. Pull the gratification from the past holding on. Scorn.  Free me from this freak show in which lived. Chuckle a rib. I'm more than this imprisonment. Limited. Chained to the grieve. I've done more than reap. Spending day after day in the reels played out. Now hush without a sound. Forget me not in ya thoughts. For I got lost. Now give a chance for lessons to be learned. N heard. To be shown. To be known. Throw me a rope. Listen to the moans. Lemme leave this nightmare behind. Ride the reigns. Purpose has come to call. After all. Enjoyed is a past tense version of the me I miss. With burning wicks. Lowered to this intolerable forsaken tomb. Landing with a boom. Only if this world turn upside down. Right now. I'd fall upward on the spin n land on my feet. In need. Running through the wild of the seasons joy. Deployed. Jus flip the switch n follow my undying flow. Follow me home. Defeat is not in lonely eyes. It's jus a dive. Starving to taste a bit of fresh air. In need of a bit of repair. With sights missed along the way. N it's OK.. Within the opened dig I am here. So fuckin near.. Beneath the level of exposed. I roam. For all to walk on jus to see. How a man could perish wanting to breathe. Set on display. Great! Drop a winding staircase for these legs to bend to the dream. Bring me back to reality. Up is the final movement yet to be taken. Don't label me as forsaken. As I've done a few years rotting with the clocks click going on by. Knowing why. N I'm tired of being exhausted  as my knees are weak. Ready to leave. Unable to collapse. I am back. As this smug could never take away my breath. Open chest. With the head tilted back. Laughing at the impact. In form. Reconnected to the norm. Stronger than the last phase. Able n no longer enslaved. I made it. I've related. I am me. Free me!!!

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