Saturday, June 24, 2017

This lil diddle is beneath the truths tongue.
Somewhere in the mix I've misplaced the feel of luv.
Yet honestly my emotions are hiding.
Scared n refusing to comply for it's confusing.
Ruined isn't a bud on the taste of names.
Corrected, different has become the sane.
The feeling resists the comfort of worth.
Knowing my mind understands it's undying hurt.
Thoughts in the touch here n now remember it all.
Over an occasional glass raised to the prior of this stall.
Wrapped up behind my eyes is what remains fading.
Covered in time getting away from the waiting.
Spinning with hands getting on with life's stillness from the other side.
I'm nowhere comin full circle n I can see my back.
N I linger to the following of footsteps taken to grip the contact.
Moving through what's attached itself to my very own.
The monster won't leave me be.
Changing my face n residing with my dreams.
I can't sleep so rest must not apply to this wicked game.
Tucked deep beyond my reach lays what could never be captured in frames.
I'm damn near there though cutting the strings that bind.
Listening to direct proof shown n reasons of why.
This shit is for me so I'm open to the facts.
Written in black n white to experience who I've turned into walking away from my past.

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