Sunday, January 19, 2020

it's a like kinda thing...

would u like to step away from it all.?. take a lil time n entertain someone in tune with ur flaws... it could be fun if u wanna try to have some fun... maybe mess around with the physical presence of having a crush... do whatever comes to mind when conversation reaches the lips... there's life waiting to be enjoyed if u have it in u to play for a bit... allowing the inner child to break free n jus live... there's no harm no foul in chuckling over life... the night could go anywhere at any moment as we refuse to hide... unwilling to deny there's comfort in the middle of the space in between smiles on the move... morning will come n u can return to what it is u do... n if u liked what was shared u know where i will be... thinking of how nice a round two would tend to have at me... to see ur face with a possibility of it's me u feel is ok... letting me into ur world as mine seems to accept u taking up space... jus getting along as friends so everything isn't so fuckin empty... u might actually like who i am as i can only come from within me... u can see me for what it is that jus wants to giggle n poke a some fun... with no strings to attach emotion or even speaking about luv... it be nice to have u around... we could jus be n unwind as we clown... that is once u know i mean u no harm... this ain't about anything to do with the heart... that shit comes so far down the road there's time to get there... if u feel it necessary to mingle after we gather who's who so shit can be fair... but even so that ain't the angle of where a few evening can go... whether it be out n about or at either one of our homes...

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