Sunday, January 19, 2020

darker times...

the gate is locked n the key is hidden somewhere within yet to be found... can u help with the hinges to bypass me being trapped inside my heart beat that pounds.?. pry it loose n free me from this devastation before i become lost... jus don't touch me for some time so i can heal from a place i was left to rot... i'm not ready to fulfill someone else reason to live... so on second thought leave me here as i watch others run their sticks down the fence... i don't recognize anything but the solitude swallowing me whole n i know all to well the never ending fear... i guess one could say i sold myself to a luv once lived that took the proceeds n put me in here... though i hope the swinging of the eerie creek opens to release me some day soon... with a clarity on the loose to wander into arms beneath an uncovered moon... in a sky shedding light on my darker times as the bars rust away... falling from the mind as better days allowed me to escape... tricked i was n this is the results of what fiends got me in the long run... trusting nothing as the steal keeps me safer than smile having fun... awaiting a prison to capture the willingness jus wanting to live... jus to beg for a hand to touch the skin to transfer the pain that has no reason to forgive... tossed into a dungeon where chains restrain hope losing patience in surviving the era of betrayals game... from the inside looking out i rest in the silence where the chaos cannot reach for me as if a wild animal set on display... looking at the crowd with eyes on me wondering what i did to get myself is such a situation in which i cannot be freed... dwelling in the process of self being the one not to be trusted n having a chance to correct the comprehension of wants from needs... unable to climb out due to the spikes that top every few inches of the attempt... yet it's somewhere safe where tears can dry with a lil time spent...

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