Wednesday, January 15, 2020

no treasure left...

upside down the glass tilts... filled with a getaway for the imagination to build... emptying each round attempting to forget... getting sucked into the music banging n fuckin with the mindset... slowing with every bottom the goes up... the tempo feeds the feel of becoming lost without luv... drinking potions recall details locked in the head... bringing them to life in a moment staring off into what's next... from the rim to midway around the ice... careful not to waste to poison thinking about paradise... jus wanting to relive better times for a lil while... avoiding the reality that it'll be gone come mornings lonely profile... there's no treasure left that helps tips up the fucks not given... for there's nothing else to remember but the has beens sailing on the horizon so forgiven... so it's a matter of resurrection so the heart can tingle somehow... having a nerve awakening that wants to reach for another yet found... as taste buds accept the flavor drank to get drunk... going back n forth in the mind over what the fuck is wrong with emotions being sunk... tapping into a place self jus doesn't belong... listening to old tones connected to the past with every other song... vision blurring to focus a lil more on faces that can no longer be seen... with the sway of the numb reminiscing to escape a reality that can only dream... slipping into a trans from the booze having it's effect... chuckling as if it's funny where one winds up once everything has been wrecked... stranding in the middle of a chaotic world all alone... hoping the beauty of having someone has a chance to be shown...as the hand grips a shot taken straight... loosening the body to move with a vibe easing the weight... opening eyes to notice the night needs a different outcome... so the smile stretches able to acknowledge what was no longer beats the drum... for there's still a bottle that has not been drained... an understandable image that gets the mood to remove restraints... gulp gulp pour another one waiting it's turn... getting on with the now of having self worth...

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