Wednesday, January 8, 2020

At peace...

The best music has no lyrics...
Like a heartbeat that's free from lips...
Playing to the soothe of a rhythm...
Easing the details within ones system...
Untouched by twisted tongues...
Without verbal control capturing the hush...
Jus listed to the flow of ones own life...
It's ok to fall in luv with what u find...
Create motion through sound...
N live with the comfort of closing the mouth...
Let the harmony lead the way...
Putting an end to emotions tamed...
Able to enjoy self for once...
Can u hear the noise silence the chaos of the rush.?.
Vibinv to the feel of what can't be said...
Feel it orchestrate a new pulse going left...
Hearing thoughts ride a masterpiece as it breathes...
Allowing even dreams to be free...
Anything can come to life with a tune...
Moving with a melody put to use...
In no need of a song to claim its sway...
Jus being in a moment of ones own gain...
In sync with what one perceives...
Like the breeze blowing through the trees...

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