Friday, October 26, 2018

What's at the bottom of the bottle.?.

I can feel it... It wants to talk... N I keep swallowing the sounds muffled in my mouth... As I've been thinking here lately... Oh the time jus may be at hand to release the carnage I'm which I hide... Though I'mma need lil help to bring it to the surface... So I jus may n I jus might go under the scalpel tonight... Crack a bottle n let words have their way... Simply jus sit back n allow river to flood my eyes... It's gotta go... There's no other way but to escape... I've been hiding for far too long n the moment needs it's end... To place before the eyes of what tortures me within... As I'm no longer afraid of the way the alphabet is gonna bend... It may not every taste the same again... But the liquor will help me not remember come mornings light... I'll be free n life will be mine too have once n for all... Letting lose of all the things that have went so fucking wrong with no real reason why... I wanna tap... Take my fingers n tell it like it is... With every shot giving courage never to hold back... So my silence can be heard on the whispers of lips... Finding truths in my own misfortune... With letters rushing the page as if a counter attack those who've spit dirt upon my name... For I have secrets of luv'rs n founded foes that haven't been heard... N all it's gonna take is to not give a shit the way everyone else claims to be... But wouldn't that take away from who I am n the way my word had worth.?.

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