Thursday, October 11, 2018

Could it be AC.?.

I think I can see her face... I might know who she is... I've said her name... But I'm yet to taste her lips... Her curves are my lonely roads thrill... N to smile is something I feel within... I believe I jus may go with free will... N possibly allow something to begin... For met her in person... N I've felt her against me... Though time will tell what's to be certain... So for now there's jus a dream... Even in the middle of the day thoughts collect the feel of the spark... As the heart is ready to roll... Complete understanding that relations mental n not so fucking hard... Yet we'll see where things land in a snuggling hold... Bcuz my mind wants to decide on this one with an interest so real... Different from others as I could use a true friend... Bare with me mirror as I'm about to peel... Layers to be shown like they're no fuckin end...

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