Thursday, October 25, 2018

In the moment...

Waking to a vision standing in the breeze... High up on a balcony over looking the sea... Wind slightly coming through the motionless room... Awakening the feel in my heart as my pulse moves... Eyes following the sway of an image at one with the moment... N in my mind I take it in to the memory where I'll forever hold on to it... As I lay there looking at luv wrapped in a sheet... Watching the sun touch the horizon so unique... Oh the beauty in the sight of a friend having that much comfort with life... Feeling the swooshing movent of air so cool the honesty of her stance could never lie... Thinking this is what happiness is believed to be  so vividly alive... Jus to witness how the display of light brings a shadow to her detailed designed... Triggering more interest in what makes her tick... Breathtaking is the thought gathered that she knows what it means to live... Whispering are u gonna come join me or just drool upon yourself... I gotta admit it's a dream that's most definitely felt...

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