Monday, October 8, 2018

It heals itself if allowed...

Giving without anything to receive damn near killed every motion of emotional bits of luv that fell for the wrong one's... Without hesitation the frustration dimmed life shine the was somehow missed the face as if beaten after the claimage of done... There wasn't a thing that looked to be interested in sharing with an other that send to stare with that glare their eyes... Lost was the forgetting of self as the correction came without someone else wanting to replace the drifted hype... To the unexpected end that gathered true intent dibs had no matter in the fact of want... Overriding what was needed that was placed to the side to show not self but them how they was no limit to real luv... As the leaving took a side step n went down a different path as the mind changed coarse... Unable to at minimum match the efforts on a daily tryin to enlighten the facts of care m facing so much more... The individual within got stuck breath the skin afraid n shove for some time before the pain wore off... The self infliction of choice decided who it was from if then wasn't enough as the beat skipped n ran down the back like claws... Attempting to cause the hate an inside heart could never produce for someone cared for... N yes there's a difference in the way presentation is seen through movement that reaches for the inner makings of a lone core... Unwilling to feel the torture that those of shallow manners believe the have inflict on one standing patience to be... Free to live with s better perspective of what a friend is goin in on life's alone... It's like waking up from a dream that Rally's thoughts in the mind jus to remind the feeling of what it's like to breathe... Awaiting the next go around as if taking in to consideration of a simple lifestyle cancaccept the scenery changing into a place somewhere else called home...

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