Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The irritation of lusts...

They don't know what it's like to dig in... To go beneath an others face to see the truth about the individual jus wanting to live... To know someone other than self a care is never given... N it's over these kinda people that everyone sense to be trippin... As reflections is all they're interested in looking away from relations like they're someone to miss... Shallow n self centered appears to be the attraction that unites lips... Falling inward when noticing who hides behind vanities eyes... Able to hear the self righteousness of tongues tell tales in their favor that lie... The innocent ones of beauty that never sinks beneath the texture of pigmentation on display... To them we ain't shit but replaceable to hear them say our names... N it gets old having a sexual sensation outlast the thrill forever tamed... As they claim it's not others that feed their physical luv yet without them there's no one to admire the front... They're fake n of superficial lusts as their reasoning sounds like a cunt... A needy insecure bitch if the words were to leap from my very own grin... Laughing at the truths exposing who they hate as me bcuz I see them in true form... As I say nothing n let them live in a different direction away from my norm... The desired emptiness is a deceitful state of mind only interested in what they want... The pretty ones that play their own game of gimme gimme to receive a moment of luv... Twisting the sexually deprived for a gain as if a queen on a throne... In control there are so many willing to step up n into ones place standing along side their egos... N I'm jus glad I don't take their shit even thought they'll never let me go... It's the care free heart that turns them down that hurts their mask... The rejection of use being known tends to confuse what they've never had... Finding thoughts linger in their heads of the one who was defied the odds as a friend to walk away with a smile that cannot be fazed... Hearing from them on occasion as they remain in pon the flesh so eyes can fuck the outter presence of who they are outta an eventual hate... With no true luv to dig into raw roots if who they tell have become lookin in mirrors with no edges to cut them from the nonsense... My guess is I'm prolly the only one to speak on the matter as they're ears have heard my tongue quietly tell them they're fuckin arrogant... In which I find labels land upon my skin like markings to insert an image of me being this monster who is out for no good... It's funny to think through it all I still stand as the only person they can talk to away from the depths of their looks...

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