Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The transition...

In different stages goin from one the next... Taking some time in between faces to gather what's best for self within the walls the chest... In the rotation it takes to resist offers jus tryin to relocate the valves pumping luv... Some have jus entered the solitude still hurt at others have come wanna be touched... As the chatter of truths never mention which general state of minm one derives... It's the resentment of choices die process that takes time to accept the birth of a new life... All playing games with their own rules pointing fingers on how to live... Finding the single life is to be considered a weakness of all things as if pain isn't natural to the growth of loose lips... Careless to others as the opinionated goes pure mental unable to feel anything but the comfort of numb... Either jumping in over n over again or running away from the over emotional curse of luv... There's levels of ups n down as crossing borders within self need they moment to heal... Bcuz when wrapped up being able to give is the only thing that's real...

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