Tuesday, February 4, 2020

the after effect...

it's when u truly believe in something that everything about self changes... n when it goes astray you'll never be the same again as people seem to speak a different languages... hitting depths thought to be too far down to reach... thinking how it felt when it was as good as smiles used to express needs... in the after effect of knowing true intent showing how belief can be so wrong... the hurt trickles into the design of hope fading behind the eyes for so fuckin long... transforming emotions into a solid force unwilling to adapt to someone else's lies... left with tears to drain the anticipation of what was supposed to be for life... with one chance to lose it all when it was said to be a no matter what comprehension understood... as down goes all n the above to descend into a pit of useless nonsense shook... as the memory doesn't wanna fade as quickly as all the individual times something rare was said to be shared... it's when the loss pulls the plug when sighs late at nigh are muted n no longer care...

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