Saturday, February 22, 2020

i believe...

as early as the sun can rise to bring light to the texture of ur face... touching the life within as u awaken jus to say my name... i'm almost jealous it reaches for u as if it were my own eyes taking u in... as u lay so comfortably i watch how the sheets make luv to ur body all snug as i kiss ur lips... it's jus something i have come to want due to the stimulation i feel awakening to u on my side... i get lost jus before u come to with how lovely ur lay in such a peaceful ease with me in ur life... it's mind fuckin at its best to witness the raw satisfaction of rolling over to feel u so close... every morning there is a much deeper hope to enjoy with another day to grow...from the way ur hair is all messy as u run of to pee... the sight of u scurrying across the room creates a smile i cannot hide as i truly feel free... waiting for u to return n lay with me for a few wondering why it feels like it's us we need... with nothing to do but talk about what we wanna eat.. on a saturday morning as the rays come through the blinds... words are soft n are heard of the emotion that lingers with life... felt in the stillness laying around falling into a moment prior to getting up... i believe within me u are luv'd...

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