Sunday, February 16, 2020

same ol...

they all sound the same...
talking about, i'm not like others...
you'll pass up a good thing if u don't act quick...
or i'm the best n you'll want no other luv'r...
it's like an echo in the mind set on repeat...
claiming to be unique n self entitled as their lips begin to move...
they seem to believe there's only one of them in this world...
as words spoke carry the same vibe when let loose...
jus wanting the attention to settle their nerves...
unwilling to take no for an answer until they get tired of hearing even themselves...
n then it's on to the next lame catering to the physical presence...
as they as well follow suit in a game momentarily felt...
knowing men cannot choose wo they're to come into contact with...
using their intentions to entice their taste in men...
i hear babbling when they share the same tone from start to finish...
pretending to be a one of a kind as if barbie owning ken...
like a hypnotic presence they play so elegantly if they choose...
or can be so selfish with their demands to be luv'd...
frail in a form of beauty with a twisted monster within...
it's all about them jus wanting to be touched...
felt in arms to feel safe...
to be brought back from the other side...
the characteristics of a female is not so hard to figure out...
one jus hasta give into their way of life...
listening to them tell it as if they aren't the victim of their own demise...
changed by the decisions made for self to find a lil more then hope...
as the creature within jus wants to be savagely taken...
used with a respect so they feel wanting n desired with hormones that roam...
don't compare me they'll say...
doing the same ol shit everyone else does...
with so called an uncannily worth as the one to be missed...
it's those like me that keep the knowing on the hush...
able to see through the design that attempts to captures an unattentive mind...
faces change but actions remain...
interests fade by u not giving into the same ol thing...
but it doesn't mean they're not worth a friend to be gained...

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