Tuesday, March 27, 2018

tucked n shunned...

i haven't said what's been on my mind in quite some time... deep thoughts kept from the way letters create life... outside my mind in a different world that doesn't seem to wanna care... so snuggled to my heart i've had no reason to share... words are damn near leaping into plain sight wanting to speak... yet, who am i to listen to as others are stuck in their own dreams... muted i've become to that raw untameable reason within... as it talks to me waiting of the day it can come out n live... i've held a piece in for me that makes sense to the way i feel... n until i'm ready i refuse to rip it open as it slowly peels... one layer stripped of the tingle down the next as it hasta start all over again... knowin i alone am its truest fan... the one who encourages it to be what it is as in the way it comes... locked away is the expressions having a need to run... as wild as the open space i've made for it to make a home of my head... after everything within me turned for the worst as i wound up damn near dead... there's a special lil tilt to how my nugget leans when i begin to give in to what it claims it will do if freed... but i honestly want it to finally get to know me... so we know how to respond to any n all foreign tendencies that make it through to outter shell... as i hold the key to what's on the tip of my tongues dwell...

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