Sunday, March 11, 2018

behind the scenes...

laughing on the under layers hidden away from everything except time... i reside beneath what u cannot see dis attached from the negative life... triggerin the presence of the mind to gather wtf took place to get me here... as those moments alone have long been an reinactment for the ages of the transformation that took place behind the scenes... i regrouped n found matters of self comin to terms with how the release cured me from the tunnel vision keepin me from escapin my past... seems dreams came to close as reality stood to clarify what is to be... so here i am chucklin to the ends of beginnings for every loop rounds about to keep it movin... yet i'm unable to trample over the same ol grounds it took to overcome a self centered torture that was allowed to rectify the eventuality of hope... stashed away i lingered to hear myself heal without the help of any other wantin in... n i'mma comin as i'm done driftin so i to know my way home...

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