Saturday, March 12, 2016

twisted mirrorssrorrim detsiwt

.sdrawkcab si gnihtyrevE
.rulb a sa tfel ot thgir morF
.tfel snrut nrut thgir yrevE
.ssem lufituaeb a tahW
.emoh ym tsol ev'I smeeS
.smaor ti sa dekcuf sdniM
.think people way the with Fuckin
.knilb ot ton gnyrt seye gnitniqs htiW
.pu peek t'nac ohw esoht gniddehS
.skcuf no pu evag ylurt I
.reasons own my have i As
.sseldeen so lamron eb oT
.luzzep a noti rsowd gwiTisnt
.delzzum eb ot elbanU
.emas eht lla era ew gnivorP
.niag eht no deen I tahw gnivaH
.hguone gnivah fo enil eht ot gnippetS
.dehsuh neeb sah tahw esool gnippiniR
.rekcuf eht dessorc ylesoprup I
.revol a yb degnarraeR
.tniop a evorp ot tsuJ
.diov a llif ot tpmetta eht ta gniliaF
.script the flipped life For
.spil detsat oseht lla ev'eW
.esrever ni nettirw nees eb ylno nac emit sA
.devreserp neeb sah tahw nwod gniwolS
.word memories a clarifying Carefully
.draehnu srae detum oT
.gel ym nwod edilsdum eht dereggirt gnihtemoS
.eugav seog yromem eht sA
.tihs ot enog yllanif sgnihtyrevE
.dessim s'tahw ya kcab gnikooL
.tegrof reven MirrorssrorriM
.etisoppo ym si noitcelfer ym sA
.yartsa tnew enod sah gniht sihT
.emag sefil pu deF
.efil dellac os ym si siht teY
.emim a gnikcimiM
.ames eht lla era eW
.yaw rehto eht kool lla eW
.sterces lanoitome ruo dniheb neddiH

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