Saturday, March 12, 2016

beneath truths

Lies crush the truths bit by the tongues nip.
Fuck me with words that slit another opening from lips.
Crippled by a betraying face hiding the taste of hate.
I'm losing my intent to games shoved in my fuckin face.
Line after line punches the hearts sweet tingle setting off alarms.
Ohh, fuck me again to show the shallowness of a man.
Damn u for reversing emotions damned as days rain.
U aren't the memory u feed me as if an endless dream.
Who in the fuck do u think u are to play with my use?
I hear ur snake rattling from the underlining of ur unjustified truce.
Have u had enough that cannot speak attempting to bend me to my knees?
I see ur selfishness leak in my own mirrors image, please.
You're mistaking me for a fool that can't hold the alphabets stool.
As beautiful as u are i see through this relentlessness u believe is to cool.
But i chose this to do with my life as days remind me of nights.
Lost in the moment of losing a friendly foe as u pretend.
Why do u refuse to admit u don't give a damn i don't know.
All i can feel is how incomplete life is putting the editing on hold.
Gold plated woman eyes have known about u for some time now.
But consider me blinded n bound to the surface of ur frown.
For there's no depths beyond the fake smile u cherish so much.
I told u I'd never stand in ur way of a lifestyle jus as such.
I've been torn prior to ur existence I've come to know.
Prepared by the best luv could ever send a bending bow.
U can't fuck me enough to turn my interest to u again.
This here is slipping from under u as from my emotion ur banned.
Caught up in a financial debate i won't go broke.
Allowing u to release bubbles as u uncomfortably choke.
I'll be holding u beneath the truths from the surface unable to breathe.
I'm to damn good to dip into the rescue of a two headed fling.
Ur freedom is comin in a sunset sooner than u think while u do as u do.
For you've become useless in ways life won't wait out on proof, Vamoose...
Disappearing back within the crowd of strangers looking for comfort.
I can't be tempted to help a lost cause dragging out a homemade porn.
That's all that i touch if u haven't noticed.
U jus haven't a damn thing to offer a man focused.
You've become nothin but a hang up waitin its turn for the dial tone.
Ur silliness is about over here running its course left alone.
Raw material as natural as the brutal fibs u claim are so real.
U fit into my world like a rainbow in a nights sky unable to feel...

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